Policies that support responsible and sustainable business practices
Our standards and policies are key to delivering on our sustainability promises. They guide our daily activities and ensure that we and our suppliers do business based on respect and integrity. 
Sustainability policy
The VELUX Group is committed to visibly leading the way on sustainability for both our own operations and throughout the entire value chain. Our sustainability policy provides high-level guidance on how we conduct a responsible and sustainable business. It builds on the ten principles of the UN Global Compact and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
We apply a zero-tolerance approach to corruption, and we provide training in the VELUX Anti-corruption policy for managers and employees who may be exposed to the risk of bribery due to their role. This policy guides employees in their everyday work and requires management to ensure that bribery does not occur by formulating local guidelines concerning the receipt of gifts, entertainment, and the avoidance of facilitation payments.
Code of Conduct and basic working conditions for suppliers
The Code of Conduct and basic working conditions for suppliers outline our expectations for our suppliers. The document incorporates the UN Global Compact and the UN Sustainable Development Goals and was updated in May 2024.
Substance compliance for suppliers
The VELUX Restricted Substance Management Standard ensures that we and our suppliers meet the legal requirements regarding substances used in our products. It informs our suppliers of the substances we must exclude from our products altogether and the threshold values regarding other chemicals or materials.
Code of Conduct for Employees
We are firmly committed to conducting our business lawfully and ethically; therefore, we have developed the VELUX Code of Conduct for employees. It is our compass to show the way in situations where we are in doubt about our own, our managers', or our colleagues' actions, and it describes the main principles of ethical behaviour and our expectations towards all VELUX employees.
Modern Slavery Act
We are committed to respecting human rights and preventing any form of modern slavery, forced labour, child labour, and human trafficking in our own business, as well as in our supply chain. We take great care to avoid infringing the rights of individuals, groups, and communities through our business activities and relationships. We communicate our preventive actions in the annual Modern Slavery Act Statement.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
We are committed to fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace that enables everyone to thrive. The VELUX Group DEI policy provides high-level guidance for how we approach DEI at the VELUX Group, outlines our vision, and serves as a guiding principle for our company culture together with the VELUX Code of Conduct for Employees and Sustainability policy. The policy is built on the principles of the UN Global Compact and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Respecting privacy
The VELUX Group respects and protects individuals' privacy and handles personal data with care. The VELUX Privacy policy describes how we treat data provided on or collected via our digital platforms. Our policy complies with the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR") and Danish law.
Whistleblower policy
Within the VELUX Group, we encourage an open dialogue on all compliance issues related to VELUX business methods, Code of Conduct, internal policies, laws, and regulations. The whistleblower program is for everyone to voice their concern if they become aware of illegal or unethical business conduct or of serious violations of internal rules and policies. We are committed to using the information gathered from concerns raised to take appropriate actions and make necessary improvements.