Empowering safety together

Towards zero accidents

Throughout the VELUX Group, our safety vision is to have zero accidents. Achieving this vision is driven by our safety principles and our safety values.

We endeavor to raise awareness and promote a cultural change towards greater safety in all our workplaces. At the same time, we are improving our accident reporting systems so we can work systematically with our data to take action, gain knowhow and drive preventive initiatives, all with the aim of reinforcing our safety performance.

Improving reporting at all sites

A large part of our efforts to prevent accidents is done using our accident reporting systems. These are continually improved and provide us with data from across the organisation that we can use to get a clearer overview of our safety performance. With this overview, we can run the necessary preventive initiatives, and share knowledge and best practices so we can continue to improve safety standards throughout VELUX.

As a global organisation, we are subject to different safety standards at our different sites. To be able to implement the highest standards of safety throughout our business, the VELUX Groupwide Safety Decision Board ensures uniform safety governance across all business units around the world.

Keeping safety top of mind

Our safety training is now part of the onboarding process for all new employees. At the leadership level, we embrace the concept of visible safety leadership, acknowledging the pivotal role that leaders play in shaping and fostering an excellent safety culture. As such, visible safety leadership is an integral part of management training.

Our commitment to human rights
The VELUX Group is committed to respecting human rights in line with the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights, both in our own operations and our value chain.